About me

I'm Leon Volbers, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in communication design from the University of Applied Science HTW Berlin.
Currently, I work as a software developer at Mindhunters in Osnabrück. With them, I have a one-year-long experience as a software developer in the escape room business . I also completed a four-month-long internship as interaction designer at Cocolab in Mexico City.

Through my projects I gained experience with frameworks like C#, Python, Unity, Touchdesigner and currently VVVV. I taught a beginner Touchdesigner course for the University of Applied Science HTW Berlin.

My passion is creating immersive digital and analogue experiences, which engage and embrace the viewer emotionally and physically.

If you are interested in collaboration, feel free to write me at


In my free time, I also enjoy doing creative experimentation under the moniker LEVOXTRIP on Instagram.